Wednesday, January 13, 2010

QTFC.dll Missing From Windows Vista / 7

When installing Quick Pallet Maker, we recommend you have installed Apple's QuickTime ( so you can export movie files. Quicktime is installed by default on Mac OSX. However, with Windows Vista & 7, you may encounter an issue after installing QuickTime in which the QTFC.dll file is not found.

To fix this problem, copy the file manually from the QuickTime installation folder (C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem) to the c:\Windows\System32 folder and retry.


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

i have the demo version and i am trying to calculate using a 148x88x897 mm primary package and the is a problem. i tried to change dimensions and the maximum value that can be used is 594mms. what should i do?


Koona Software said...

Hi CA,

If you need to pack long items into boxes, then you will need to expand the maximum box length constraint and the ratios between box dimensions to fit the long box that is created.

You can see your data being calculated in this video.

Genevieve said...


I am trying to calculate how many inners of 173.81*170.44*192.70 will fit in an outer case and therefore how many cases on a container but each time I recalculate the program goes into meltdown and has to be restarted, where am I going wrong?

Anonymous said...

thanks a million. this did the trick!!

Anonymous said...

I desperately need to know if a package "code" can be displayed on a package somehow...using a hex color system is cumbersome as the company I work at has hundreds of SKUs - is there any way to have a code show up somehow on a box in this program as a watermark or something?

Koona Software said...

Hi, Anonymous of 5:46 PM, Quick Pallet Maker can label the cartons in a pallet with a code that has been enclosed in brackets [for the box width] and in parentheses (for the box length) as shown in the following video

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on displaying the box code on the drawings - that was a HUGE help!

I have one other question - I want to build a pallet that has 15 rolls on it - each roll is 15 inches in diameter and 33 inches high. I want to have 2 layers of 6 rolls built vertically (12 rolls) and the top layer to have 3 rolls laid flat - for a grand total of 15 do i do this?

Koona Software said...

Hi Anonymous, I tried the cylinder arrangement a couple of times but we'd need to update the software to reach the one you are looking for. Please check back before December when we will have released a new version.

Anonymous said...

I need to change the color of a cylinder so that when they are stacked on top of each other on a pallet you can see where a new layer begins - the only way I can do that now is by adding a layer pad and I don't want or need layer pads(?)

Koona Software said...

Hi Anonymous, the quickest way to see the difference between two layers of cylinders is to use the Black and White view that is available through the View menu.