Sunday, May 28, 2006

New Quick Pallet Maker Version

We've just posted a new Quick Pallet Maker version (4.1) for download here. The major new features (besides squashing some bugs) are:
  • Multiple package types can be fit into a single box by combining the Multiple Package Input window with the box fill feature. We will follow-up with an example on how to do this in the upcoming days.

  • Export to any text-file format using XSLT templates. In other words, you (or somebody in your organization that knows about the subject) creates a XSLT template that converts a QPM box, pallet, container or shipment file into another text-based format such as HTML, CSV and tab-delimited MS Excel files. Examples of these types are already included in QPM 4.1. We will also follow-up on examples for this new feature.

  • Shipping cost can be assigned to a give container depending on the route. You select a container in the Standard Cases, Pallets and Containers window, click on the drawing with the right button and add or edit the container route with its shipping cost. When you use the Container Fill window and select the specific container, a menu will appear from which you can select the route and its cost.

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