Friday, July 20, 2007

Unit Changes In Container Fill

Question: How do I change the units in the Container Fill window? The option is grayed out.

Answer: The units within the Container Fill window are changed through the Preferences window. To open this window, select "Tools -> Settings" (under Windows OS) or "Preferences" from the Quick Pallet Maker window (Mac OSX).

Screenshots Of The Day - July 20, 2007

Here are some Quick Pallet Maker screenshots that we collected today.

QPM screenshotQPM screenshot
QPM screenshotQPM screenshot
QPM screenshotQPM screenshot
QPM screenshotQPM screenshot
QPM screenshotQPM screenshot
QPM screenshotQPM screenshot
QPM screenshotQPM screenshot

The first image is a floor-loaded container. The next ones relate to a pallet fill and the last two show how the units are changed.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Screenshots Of The Day - July 18, 2007

Here are some Quick Pallet Maker screenshots that we collected today.

QPM screenshotQPM screenshot
QPM screenshotQPM screenshot
QPM screenshot

The five images are from the Pallet Layer Editor that can be used for changing the position and orientation of the boxes within the pallet.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Inkscape Software for SVG Files

We just found an excellent and free software for reading, editing and converting the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files that Quick Pallet Maker exports. These files contain the drawings for packages, boxes, pallets or containers.

The software is called Inkscape and can be downloaded at and as of this writing, it was in version 0.45 (a version below 1.0 indicates "under development"). However, the software exported a container file from SVG (file link) to Adobe PDF (file link) without problems.

For news on SVG-compatible applications and browser plugins, you can turn to the W3C site.